LIPOR Academy

At Academia Lipor we develop and improve skills by training and qualifying people, using advanced teaching methods and equipment.

Since its creation, there have been many examples of training programs with different themes and duration, developed with the most diverse audiences, always with high quality ratings. The Lipor Academy's training offer covers different areas of knowledge, including courses and training activities specifically designed to meet market needs.

The main objectives of the Academy's training are to provide trainees and companies with skills and knowledge on the environment and sustainability; to increase skills on environmental issues; to provide knowledge and tools that enable informed and sustainable decision-making.

The main topics covered are related to the Circular Economy, Optimizing Waste Management, Recycling, Organic Farming, Composting, Climate Change, Innovation in Waste Management, among others.

Lipor Academy promotes face-to-face training in the various spaces available, but also online through platforms that allow synchronous and asynchronous sessions, designed to respond to the most diverse training contexts.

Training axes:

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