APROEMA'S visit to LIPOR reinforces collaboration for sustainability

On June 4, LIPOR received a delegation from the Professional Association of Environmental Companies of Galicia - APROEMA, made up of waste managers from the region. The purpose of this visit was to strengthen cooperation between Portugal and Galicia in the field of waste management and sustainability.

Activities carried out

The visit was marked by various activities, starting with a visit to the Automatic Packaging Sorting Plant, where the visitors were able to observe the process of separating and sorting recyclable materials up close. The delegation then visited LIPOR's Composting Plant, an example of innovation in transforming organic waste into valuable resources for agriculture.

Presentations and projects

During the visit, a detailed presentation was given about LIPOR, highlighting its activities and projects in favor of sustainability. One of the highlights of the presentation was the European project GRESINT, which aims to apply artificial intelligence to waste management. This project, led by Sogama and with the participation of CITIC, LIPOR and the University of Beira Interior, aims to improve the separation of packaging through artificial intelligence.


The aim of GRESINT, a transversal and innovative project that combines technology, sustainability and circularity, is to advance innovation and the transformation of waste management through intelligent technologies that improve the classification of packaging and have an impact on the rest of the value chain, i.e. collection, sorting, recycling and recovery. In this way, it will contribute to the achievement of European recycling targets, allowing the introduction into the production cycle of high-quality recovered materials that will replace virgin ones, in accordance with the precepts of the circular economy.

With initiatives like these, LIPOR and APROEMA are demonstrating their commitment to sustainability and innovation, paving the way for a greener and more sustainable future.

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