4 days ago

ORDO - BH Concept Restaurant receives LIPOR Coração Verde Certification

The BH Group began its journey towards Coração Verde (Green Heart) Certification in 2021. Since then, the managers of the different restaurants have applied for this recognition to improve sustainability practices in their spaces.

After an initial diagnosis in which, with the intervention of LIPOR, the difficulties and opportunities for improvement were analyzed, joint work began which covered various themes, such as food waste, prevention and recycling.

Regarding the promotion of waste prevention, the Right Dose Methodology was applied, promoting sustainable eating and reducing food waste. At the same time, as part of waste management and the promotion of recycling, available equipment was checked, reorganized and identified with the respective signage.

To involve all employees, it is essential to train and raise awareness of good environmental and nutritional practices, as well as involving and integrating them in the whole process. LIPOR and the Portuguese Nutrition Association (APN) therefore organized a training course specifically dedicated to these topics for the restaurant's staff.

The ORDO - BH Concept restaurant has demonstrated that sustainability is guiding its activity and has responded in the best way to the challenge being, therefore, recognized with the Green Heart. The certificate award ceremony was attended by Eng. Manuela Álvares, Matosinhos City Councillor and LIPOR Administrator, and Dr. Fernando Leite, LIPOR's Managing Director.

The processes will continue to be worked on and an annual monitoring will be carried out to verify and validate the good practices implemented.

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