20 Jun

The first Community Composting space in the Municipality is born in Vila do Conde

On June 18th, the Municipality of Vila do Conde, in partnership with LIPOR, opened its first Community Composting Space. The event was attended by the Vice-President of the Municipality, Engª. Sara Lobão, who called on citizens to participate, highlighting the importance of this solution for the local treatment of bio-waste in the municipal and national strategy.

This space, located in Praça Conde Froila Crescones, has reached 31 families who are already delivering their food waste in the community composter, and the awareness and involvement work will be ongoing to ensure maximum participation. To mark this date, participants were given a sample of the compost already produced in the space and an aromatic plant.

The creation of the space also includes the monitoring by a Composting Master, who is responsible for the operation and awareness, as well as clarifying doubts for the families involved and new interested parties.

More united and sustainable communities are the future, and Vila do Conde is following this path!

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