12 Nov 2023

Congratulations to all the employees of our association!

Today we celebrate 41 years of a difficult but intense journey full of challenges and achievements that transformed our LIPOR into the leading and reference organization in Portugal, Europe and the world in the sector.

LIPOR solved – and well – the problems of correct waste management in this important region of Greater Porto, which our 8 associates represent.

LIPOR is transforming, growing, and adapting to these "new times” and a world very different from the now-distant year of 1982 when we were born.

Today, symbolically, I address two words to you, as President of the Board of Directors and representing this extraordinary Association of 8 Municipalities, which 41 years ago understood and decided that in isolation they could do little or nothing, but together they contained a transformative force capable of overcoming the Great challenges that we have been encountering.

The words I leave you with are, firstly, a huge THANK YOU for belonging to this Organization and trusting it, and the second is TRUST, trust in our Future, in our Project, trust in your knowledge, experience, dedication, commitment with this LIPOR that today says: PRESENT.

Congratulations and kind regards from the entire Board of Directors!

José Manuel Ribeiro

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