21 Nov 2023

Espinho welcomes good environmental practices and extends selective collection of organic waste to the residential and non-residential sectors

Espinho, November 21, 2023:

For Nature to prevail, the Municipality of Espinho is embracing good environmental practices and extending the selective collection of organic waste to the residential and non-residential sectors in the Anta - Guetim area.

With the support of LIPOR, the municipality has started a new phase of door-to-door selective collection, which involves delivering brown containers to around 2,300 single and two-family households, so that citizens can give food waste a new life and thus embrace good environmental practices.

Awareness-raising, which runs until the end of the year, also covers the non-residential sector within this door-to-door selective collection zone.

Organic waste has its own destination: you should put it in the brown bucket. This is the first step towards creating an organic agricultural compost that will then feed the soil. From there, produces are born, and everything comes back to your table. It's a mutual endeavour that promotes reciprocity. Circulate this idea. Get involved!

Recycling is giving even more to the environment and the community!

This project is funded by POSEUR-03-1911-FC-000253.

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