06 Dec 2023

LIPOR joins the “Pact for More and Better Jobs for Young People”

LIPOR joins the "Pact for More and Better Jobs for Young People”, with the High Patronage of the President of the Portuguese Republic. The "More and Better Jobs Pact for Young People” is an initiative promoted and coordinated by the José Neves Foundation, which has the High Patronage of His Excellency the President of the Republic, and aims to promote real changes in the current context of vulnerability associated with youth employment, with LIPOR being one of the signatory companies.

The document makes a diagnosis of youth employment in Portugal and its vulnerability and highlights several priority areas of intervention to create more and better jobs for young people.

The initiative follows the launch of the "White Paper More and Better Jobs for Young People” and is promoted by the José Neves Foundation and the Government, through the State Secretariat for Labor.

There are more than 100 companies that are signatories to the Pact, representing a turnover of 76,000 million euros in the Portuguese economy and providing employment for around 260,000 people, of which more than 46,000 are young people.

With this partnership, LIPOR signs the Pact's commitment to, by 2026, and through a set of included goals, reinforce the focus on various indicators, namely hiring and retaining young workers, guaranteeing quality employment for young people, training, developing and giving a voice to young people.

The document with the "More and Better Jobs Pact for Young People” can be consulted in full here (document in Portuguese).

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