28 May

On its seventieth anniversary School of Economics of Porto distinguished with the Green Heart of LIPOR

The Municipality of Porto, the Municipal Company Porto Ambiente (EMAP) and LIPOR awarded the "Green Heart" Certificate to the School of Economics and Management of the University of Porto (FEP) in celebration of its seventieth anniversary.

By awarding this distinction, we intend to recognize the adoption of sustainability practices, adopted particularly with regard to waste management, community involvement in environmental responsibility actions and the monitoring and monitoring of the impact of implemented initiatives.

It was in this context that, in January 2023, following its commitment to sustainability, FEP established this collaborative partnership. This cooperation has made it possible to strengthen community participation in the correct and efficient disposal of waste, not only through the establishment of adequate recycling circuits, but also in fighting food waste and promoting sustainable events.

The technical work developed with this partner, associated with the awareness/training of the different internal communities, facilitated the acceptance of good practices, resulting in, in 2023, more than 7 tons of waste, sent for recycling, around 2 tons of multimaterial fraction and 5 tons of the food fraction, showing an exponential growth in waste recovery, when compared to 2022.

Therefore, this recognition valued all the effort and commitment made by the partners in this challenge, through the delivery of the GREEN HEART CERTIFICATE, a acknowledgment that extends to the more than 3000 people who make up this educational community and who place the ENVIRONMENT on their agenda daily!

This Certification is just the beginning of a journey that will continue with initiatives and the monitoring of the technical team, ensuring the maintenance of good practices and the renewal of the Certification.

Some of the main actions that contributed to FEP’s recognition:

  • Elimination of more than 150 points of surplus equipment, destined for the waste fraction;
  • Reorientation and creation of around 80 reception points for recyclable fractions;
  • 7,438 kg of waste, sent for recycling in 2023;
  • Carrying out awareness-raising actions with Technical Teams;
  • Valorization of food waste, through integration into the dedicated collection circuit;
  • Sustainable management of green spaces and the historical heritage of buildings;
  • FEP is a Member of GRACE, ALUMNI and PRIME;
  • Promotion of sustainable internal events;
  • Promotion of the use of public transport/carpooling;
  • Encouraging the consumption of tap water (provision of drinking fountains) and the use of reusable packaging;
  • Promoters of social responsibility actions:
    • Donation of goods (REEFOOD; REBOOT);
    • Annual Sustainability and Volunteering Fair (AEFEP).

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