17 Jun

Communication - Essays at LIPOR II

We communicate to the inhabitants of the areas surrounding the LIPOR II Energy Recovery Plant and to the general population that verification and operation tests will soon take place at this plant, necessary to maintain its good operability, and in compliance with the General Maintenance Plan of the Installation.

For this reason, white smoke will be visible during some part of the day in some areas of the roof, which is nothing more than water vapor being sent into the atmosphere, and noises may be heard during the day that may sound like "gun shots", given that these are tests of the steam pipes and the turbine that produces electrical energy.

This period of testing and verification is expected to take place between the 8th and 12th of July (1st Phase) and between the 26th and 30th of July (2nd Phase).

Although no major inconvenience is expected for the populations in the areas surrounding the Energy Recovery Center, LIPOR would like to thank you for any repairs being made to the following telephone numbers/email addresses:

Communication and Brand Division: info@lipor.pt

Baguim do Monte, June 17, 2024


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