3 days ago

LIPOR promotes reflection on Employment in the Future

Following LIPOR's adhesion to the Pact for More and Better Jobs for Young People, promoted by the José Neves Foundation, on July 10, 2023, an Internal Reflection Group on Youth Employment was created, which has the participation of young LIPOR professionals aged up to 35 years.

This group, in its periodic meetings, debates topics such as the difficulty in retaining young talent, the importance of giving young people a voice in Organizations and emotional salary, whilst also taking advantage of the opportunity to develop team building and networking activities.

With the creation of the group, the aim is to give a voice to young people who work at LIPOR, value them and involve them in the Organization's Strategy, as they are LIPOR of the Future.

Dr. Fernando Leite, Executive Director of LIPOR, highlights that «In LIPOR's Corporate Strategy, everyone counts, everyone is part of a team that thinks about the FUTURE of the Organization. And young people are being prepared to strengthen the Strategy, the change, the consolidation of LIPOR's evolutionary Project. And it couldn't be any different, as strengthening the skills of YOUNG PROFESSIONALS will make them better prepared to foresee trends and predict situations that the changing world will create. This generation will be the leaders and actors of LIPOR of the Future, and hence all the empowerment that we are already granting to them today. The challenge is great, the expectations are high, but the advantages outweigh all the effort that the Group and Top Management are expending».

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