25 Sep

Cape Verde project - ongoing

The CITRES Project - Integrated Solid Waste Collection and Treatment Center is in its first year of development.

This first year of activities is mainly aimed at drawing up studies. Topographical surveys and geotechnical studies have already been carried out and the procedure for the environmental impact study will soon be launched.  Alongside these activities, work is also underway about communication, particularly in relation to the project's identity.

Contacts have been made with key stakeholders and the coordination team is already on Maio Island.

It should be remembered that the main objective, at the end of the project, is for the Municipality of Maio to be able to guarantee effective and sustainable management of the urban waste produced on Maio Island, through the creation of a system for collecting, treating and recovering waste and raising public awareness of environmental issues.

The CITRES Project - Integrated Solid Waste Collection and Treatment Center on Maio island, is co-financed by the EU and Portuguese Cooperation through Camões - Instituto da Cooperação e da Língua, I.P., which will also ensure the project's implementation through delegated cooperation.

We are very proud of this project, which we hope will serve as a model and inspire similar actions on other islands in the Cape Verde archipelago.

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