Erasmus+ AI4Waste

LIPOR, through its Academy, is coordinating the Erasmus+ AI4Waste Project, which aims to promote awareness and innovation in adult education on the topic of artificial intelligence (AI) and its role in the field of waste management.

Therefore, the main objectives of the project can be summarized as:
  • Awareness: Increase knowledge and understanding of AI technologies and their potential applications in waste management among adult learners, local communities and relevant stakeholders.
  • Training: Improve the skills of adult learners and partnership professionals through personalized training programs in AI and waste management.
  • Intercultural exchange: Facilitate the exchange of practices, experiences and knowledge between project partners to promote international collaboration and mutual learning.
  • Dissemination: Sharing project results with a wider audience, educational institutions and the general public, to promote the adoption of AI in waste management.

Here you can find the basic information for this project:

Stay tuned for upcoming developments.

Project co-funded:

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