LIPOR Waste Observatory
We inform better so we can recover more.
That's why we created the LIPOR Observatory, a Portal with up-to-date and reliable statistical information on the management and treatment of municipal waste, recyclable and undifferentiated waste, and also prevented CO2 emissions in our area of operation.
Communicating, controlling and monitoring the operational indicators are the major goals of the LIPOR Observatory.
Since 2017, we have dedicated a new area to reporting Waste Reduction and Reuse indicators, which includes goods from different waste fractions: Bio-waste (food and garden), Multi-material (paper and cardboard, plastic, glass, metal, wood, equipment electrical and electronics, textiles, among others). These data refer to materials of these types that have been the target of reduction or reuse, through projects/initiatives developed by LIPOR or by Partners, which together and on different fronts, have a common objective: to constitute a local network with a view to extending the service life of these materials. This new area is a pioneer, not only for measuring waste prevention, but also for showing its impact!
Visit the LIPOR Observatory (in Portuguese).